
Mental Health Caribbean 10th anniversary

On June 1st, 2022 Mental Health Caribbean (MHC) celebrated its 10th anniversary on Bonaire. MHC provides psychiatric care on Saba, St. Eustatius and Bonaire the BES Islands.
From left to right: Mahelia Brewster, Kitty Pelswijk, Erik Jansen and Eileen Healy.

For the 10th anniversary a "Jubilee Symposium GGZ in the Caribbean" was organized to celebrate with the board, management, staff and stakeholders.

During the past 10 year they have managed to reduce the stigma on Mental Health and to create awareness that a balance between physical health and mental health is essential for the wellbeing of a population.

Topics of the symposium were: Brua and Psychiatry, the Labyrinth Psychotics, Cure over the Borders, De-stigmatization, Successful Inspiration and Motivation, Child and Youth Trauma. In closing the introduction of a new book "Un kashi yen" ("A Full Closet"), about young children experiences and coping in abusive situations.

The interactive program was well presented as well as educational and full of new insights and new treatment methods.

The day was opened by Eric Jansen Managing Director of MHC and Ltn. Governor Edison Rijna. They presented a long time staff member and pioneer Marcelino Mauricio of MHC, on behalf of King Willem Alexander the Knighthood of Oranje Nassau.

The St. Maarten Mental Health Foundation (MHF) has been a stakeholder of MHC for the past 10 years and provides for psychiatric care, crisis intervention and admissions for Saba and St. Eustatius. MHF was represented for the occasion by Kitty Pelswijk psychiatrist of MHF and Eileen Healy project coordinator and former director of MHF.

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General: +1-721-542-1677

Admission: ext. 513
Care at home: ext. 506/504/511
Clinic care: ext. 501
Day learning center: ext. 507
Short and long stay: ext. 507
Internships and jobs: ext. 516

Admission: +1-721-585-8422
Emergency: +1-721-585-5556


Admission: 24/7
Admission visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm
Clinic care: Mon → Fri, 8:00am → 4:30pm
Care at home: 8:00am → 4:30pm
Day learning center: 8:00am → 3:00pm
Short and long stay visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm
Prescriptions and refills:
Call from 9:00am → 12:00pm, or Email.

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