
Workplace Mental Health Month

January introduces Workplace Mental Health Month and Wellness Month. Our focus is to spread awareness on ways to cultivate an inspiring work climate that enhances the employee experience.
Visit our Facebook page this month for a few updates and think piece on workplace Mental health. Be sure to plan something in your workplace on January 27th/28th in celebration of "National fun @ work day (Jan 28th 2023)!

All month long we will be sharing tips, articles, videos and more to raise awareness on workplace mental health for #WorkplaceMentalHealthMonth

We start with a seasoned video from the WHO sharing on the importance of investing in fostering mentally healthy work environments!

Psychologically healthy work environments are key to psychologically healthy individuals and communities. Customized approaches may be necessary for optimal outcomes within different workplaces. Nonetheless, managers are at the core of realizing such efforts. The video below briefly suggests how Managers or team leaders can actively keep their teams healthy.

More Articles →

Contact us

Your confidentiality is key in our organization! Find out more about our privacy policy.
General: +1-721-542-1677

Admission: ext. 513
Care at home: ext. 506/504/511
Clinic care: ext. 501
Day learning center: ext. 507
Short and long stay: ext. 507
Internships and jobs: ext. 516

Admission: +1-721-585-8422
Emergency: +1-721-585-5556


Admission: 24/7
Admission visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm
Clinic care: Mon → Fri, 8:00am → 4:30pm
Care at home: 8:00am → 4:30pm
Day learning center: 8:00am → 3:00pm
Short and long stay visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm
Prescriptions and refills:
Call from 9:00am → 12:00pm, or Email.

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