Our ambulant team provides mental health services to people unable to come to the the mental health foundation, or people who would benefit from being treated in their own environment. Care at home in details
Also called "Faraja" day center, this facility offers education, guidance, support, and empowerment. We help adults to regain the self confidence and skills to participate in society regardless of personal challenges. Fajara Day Treatment Center in details
Anyone who experiences mental or emotional distress can benefit from clinic care. From diagnosis to quality psychiatric and/or psychological support to help, alleviate or cure adults and children subject to mind suffering. Clinic care in details
Crisis Intervention assists when an individual’s behaviors put them at risk of hurting themselves or others. By providing on the spot risk assessment of the situation, counselling, support, and access to our inpatient care facility, we'll help to diffuse the crisis. Crisis intervention in details
Admissions is the inpatient wing of the Mental Health Foundation. We provide help to people who require 24/7 observation. The goal is to resolve or stabilize crisis situations in the shortest possible time, and to facilitate smooth transition from care back into the community. Admission in details
Our short & long stay living facility is aimed at providing professional guidance and supervision 24/7 for adults who struggle with mental health issues and would benefit from a structured living environment. Short and long stay in details
Admission: ext. 513 Care at home: ext. 506/504/511 Clinic care: ext. 501 Day learning center: ext. 507 Short and long stay: ext. 507 Internships and jobs: ext. 516
Admission: 24/7 Admission visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm Clinic care: Mon → Fri, 8:00am → 4:30pm Care at home: 8:00am → 4:30pm Day learning center: 8:00am → 3:00pm Short and long stay visits: 6:00pm → 7:30pm Prescriptions and refills: Call from 9:00am → 12:00pm, or Email.